Saturday, August 11, 2018

Allycat and Daddie Camping

Day #1

Allison has been asking to go camping with me for a looooooooong time. Today is finally the day! We packed up and drove the 2 hours from St. Catharines, Ontario to Allegany State Park on the New York/Pennsylvania border!

We started near the Willow Bay campground
It was important to me that Allison carried her own backpack. She did! 

My backpack was around 25 pounds. Note the S'Mores container Allison convinced me to pickup in Ellicottville (which she called it Elliot Ville). The S'Mores pack nearly saved our life (well, a wet night, but still).

We started our journey at around 5:00PM from the North County Trail head. The North County trail runs for 21 miles but our plan was to hike 4 miles to our intended campsite for the night.

Our first break - lots of logs!
Allison: The trail was muddy, but not too much, and rolled gently through the pines forest for the first mile. It was humid (in a good way, refreshing), and the mosquitos were subtle. 


Allison: You may notice something strange about the trail, and that is the blue marker. That lets us know that we are on the right trail. Did you know that?

We stopped again for a break 2 miles in, making great time (about 25 minute miles). We passed a few students. They said "There's a few of us". They werent lying. About 70 people passed us! 

Mile #2 Break #2
We arrived at our campsite around 7:30PM. The campsite was at the base of a creek that emptied into the reservoir. Sadly, there aren't many pictures as I had to rush to setup camp.

It took quite a bit of work to get the fire going in the wet conditions, though once it was going it was time for dinner: Mountain House Forever Mac' and Cheese. Then things got ugly. I had my tent, a freestanding Nemo Obi 2P. I forgot the poles at home. Then it started to rain. Not good.

These poles are extremely unique. 
I almost panicked at this point. We were 4 miles in the forest. It was getting dark and starting to rain. I had visions of spending the next 10 hours huddled under a tree, shivering and wet, in the pitch black. Allison would never want to camp again in her life (neither would I). 
Time to improvise: I had my hiking poles which could support the tent in the center. Then  remembered our S'Mores! That long 2 pound tube I trekked out here had 4 long (pointy) wooden sticks. Perfect! I used them for the four corners of the tent.

S'Mores AKA "Night Savers"

Disclaimer: Not a good start for me. I'm doing the John Muir Trail in less than a month and I can't even remember tent poles. 

Not exactly luxury, but it would keep the rain out. We went to bed around 9:30 PM after a late night hot chocolate and S'mores (we borrowed a stake from the tent).


Tasty S'Mores

Allison: It took us a kind of long time to fall asleep, like 2 hours. It rained hard and the lighting was really scary and went off like every 25 seconds. I made Daddie tell me stories about when I was a baby till I fell asleep.

Day #2

We woke up early the next morning, around 6AM. This was fine by me. My Fitbit told me I got 2 hours of sleep (it was a long night readjusting tent poles and dreading a complete collapse). 

I immediately got breakfast going: Coffee, Hot Chocolate and Oatmeal.

Rich: Maxim Coffee: The Best.
Allison: Hot Chocolate: The Best
I let her bring her I-Pad

Allison was full of energy. She explored the creek and area around the site while I got breakfast ready.

The sun rising through the forest was stunning.

We took our time getting ready, exploring together, while the sun dried out our tent and sleeping gear. 

We also just sat and enjoyed the solitude of the forest.

Next time I'm bringing my fishing pole!

We packed up and left around 11AM and took our time getting back to the car. 

A pack of packs!

The rain had brought out lots of wildlife. The trail was covered in tiny toads, and Allison spotted a huge Caterpillar!

And then a deer startled us!

We arrived back at the car at 1PM, tired, wet and hungry.

Allison: I was very tired but also sad that the trip was over. I was so hungry! I ate two cheese burgers and two french fries and that didn't even satisfy my hunger!

Final Stats

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